It's the end of April!
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March's Hype |
I've been busy with my bakery business, but I wont let this month pass with incomplete post (number).
I didn't post March's hype last month .... so here it go.
I do listen or rather watching podcast on Youtube ( so should I call them youtber ?!) and I found some really interesting and useful information out of it.
Some pod-caster that I enjoy are Andrew Huberman, Lewis Howes, Tom Bilyeu.
I said or mention this many time on this blog, that I like skin care (ing). I'm not using make up, but I like pampering my skin. Face and body.
I'm using face mask , not routine but when I had time for it... I use it often. Face massage, I'm on a program to do it daily now... and I do see some improvement on the skin texture and complexion. Highly recommended.
It's all began with.... I need pretty plate for my Instagram pics. And I recall that my father had these beautiful decorative plates.
Antique plates and beautiful... I love to see work of art like that. I post it on my Instagram, Check it out >>> LINK
So from there, occasionally I do check on Instagram and net for Antique plates... but for now I'm settle with decorative plates LOL ( more affordable)
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April's Hype |
April ...
Order Of The Elephant
Prince Phillip passed away. I'm don't consider my self as a fan of BRF, but because some celebrity cause a problem within BRF , I somehow found my self checking on the story every now and then.
And when Prince Phillip died, like all media always do... they broadcast lost of information about him... then I became a fan of Prince Phillip LOL
One of Prince Phillip (Duke Of Edinburgh ) regalia is Elephant... Order of Elephant. I google it and I was became more fascinating.
RIP Prince Phillip.
Stand Mixer
I have an old version of Kenwood stand mixer... it's the professional type... so it can work more dough than regular type. But because it's too big for my daily use, I hardly utilize it.
Add to that... compare with my bread maker... I need more tips and tricks to use it.
But this month I master it and I am happy, because now I can use it to make a large batch and it really help me when bake of my order.
Fermented Cassava
My mom like to make fermented Cassava cake, problem is not many sell the fermented Cassava in my town. So I said I'll make it.
I did and it is a success. Now my mom can bake without hesitation. 😎
To see my mom cassava cake on my Instagram >>> LINK
That's for today post. See you in May!
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