Saturday, July 13, 2024

Travel: Hong Kong Trip 2024, Part II , Finish

 Journey continue.

Disney Popcorn

 My life is in chaos, and it is reflected by my post schedule.

Anyway... let me continue my report. In today report, I would not share my itinerary , because there was none, instead I'll share a tourist site that I went in this trip ( Hong Kong trip)

Started with ... Hong Kong Avenue Of Stars

Avenue Of Stars

 In this place you can find a hand print (?!) of Hong Kong Stars , mostly movie stars but I think so does the other entertainer .

We went there in the morning, so we can take better picture and it was HOT, HUMID , you name it. And my heart drop when I went to buy a mineral water. Three or four HKD in SevenEleven, in this place you will get ten to twelve HKD, so prep well.

Second tourist site that I went and my other main purpose to visiting Hong Kong is DISNEYLAND.

Royal Banquet Hall
Mixed Grill Combo

Ice Cream

Minnie Ice Cream

Disney's It's A Small World

Somehow I never been there, countless time went to Hong Kong ... but never ever before this, I stepped on Disneyland. So now is my time. 

I went with my cousin, wakey , prep and went straight there using MTR, changing train couple times, I think it was two time and then we queue and we were there.
Info, bring your water bottle, because not only the bottle water price is PRICEY, but also because Disney provide water dispenser, so use the facility. In term of food, check it here >>> Disney Hong Kong Food.
Meals are good, portion are great... a bit pricey, but for me it's okay, it's not like I'm gonna eat five times a day there. BUT... for snacks, i think it's better to bring it from outside, because the price is not worth and the selection is not many (imo)... so next time I'll remember to bring some.

We went there on weekdays, so not too much queue . And I just notice that the price for senior entrance fee is below like really below adult entrance fee, so bring your senior family member, it's a great place to walk and creating memories, granted they can' ride to many rides but there are plenty place to sit (weekdays... that I experienced)  so... why not.

Next, another place that I visit was SHAM SHUI PO

Beef Tendon Noodle

Beef Noodle

Fried Tofu and Beancurd

I went there in the morning, because we are looking for a type of dessert that Internet and my aunt say ... is available in SHAM SHUI PO.

I can't find it, but we did enjoy some delicacy such as Beef Tendon Noodles, which actually can be found anywhere in Hong Kong and Tofu Hua aka Beancurd.

From the internet I found out there is a famous shop in Shan Shui Po that was known for its Soy bean produce and  I love bean curd.

Twice went to Sham Shui Po, two portion each time I went.

>>> Kong Wo Beancurd Factory
Hong Kong, Sham Shui Po, Pei Ho St, 118θ™Ÿθ™Ÿεœ°δΈ‹

Then, there is MACAO

Venetian Macao

Gondola In Venetian Macao

Portuguese Egg Tart

Macao Beancurd

Macao Beef Tripe (?!)

I remember last time, years ago when I went to HK for a month, my aunt offer me to go there, but I thought... nope, not interested.

And I still not , but my family member want to, so there we go.We use bus... a long trip and most of the time I'm using a casino shuttle bus to go around inside MACAO, which are free... use them.

Only a day trip, so I don't bother to exchange the currency, because the rate is almost the same with HKD and CNY, plus Macanese Patacas is not well known outside Macao, so once you bought them and not using them , better to exchange them in Macao or you need to back to Macao again to use it. So why bother.

I also didn't purchase any transport card because just pay in cash... prep the exact amount and pay in cash.

And my communication card aka sim card that I bought from Indonesia already included Macao cover. 

Nothing much to see in here, we don't play Casino, so only taking picture and sightseeing... and  we did enjoy some food which for me, no different from Hong Kong delicacy, because I didn't go for the Portuguese fusion (?!) kind of food... and that's it.

Last... Tian Tan Buddha.

Tian Tan Buddha

Tian Tan Buddha From Below

And to went there we need to use either BUS or cable car... Ngong Ping 360 cable car, it was a long ride. A bit queue but it's okay.

>>> Ngong Ping 360 Site

Arrived at the top, we straight went for a lunch, sight seeing a bit then off we go for the Big Buddha.

Stairs... but I conquered them, on the very top, inside the Buddha there are places .. the kind of places to keep the deceased ash or perhaps just name (I'm not sure)... but I saw a famous actress name Anita Mui there, still many people gave her flower, she was and still well remember.

Po Lin Monastery
Not too crowd  and because there is a monastery nearby, they also provide a vegetarian dish and snacks.

This site also for a worship, so no wonder NgongPing cable card have a quarterly or annual pass.

Located in other island in HK, this place is quiet than the city center (obviously). On our way back we  stop at the City Gate Outlet and window shopping for some branded item and some burger.

Shake Shack Burger Combo

Yeap, that's it. My touristy time in Hong Kong.

I hope I can back on track... since I'm going somewhere again soon.

Till next post, have a great day.

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