Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Creative Market & Etsy : Sleeping Beauty

The Beauty in the sleeping Wood or Little Briar Rose by Charles Perault  a.k.a Sleeping Beauty , a classic fairy tale (wasn't all fairy tale classic 😅)

And that was my theme for this week clipart (it finish, at last)

My memory about Sleeping Beauty was Disney's Sleeping Beauty, this princess got different feature from other princess that i know, for me Aurora feature was Classsic American Beauty, high cheekbone, full lips , slim figure.
Not to mention the art, i notice all the tree were tall (some are short) got geometric feature, the color play , color scheme and the perspective .... just lovely.

Eyvind Earle, Concept painting, c. 1950, Sleeping Beauty, 1959. Collection of the Walt Disney Family Foundation. © Disney. Courtesy of the Walt Disney Family Museum.

Once Upon a Dream, Disney's Sleeping Beauty
Also the theme song ,Once Upon A Dream ... i always sing it...in my mind LOL

"I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream
I know you, that look in your eyes is so familiar a gleam
And I know it's true that visions are seldom all they seem
But if I know you, I know what you'll do
You'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream"

Back to my clipart, its inspire by Disney Sleeping Beauty, like most of my Princess theme clipart.

Here you go

Sleeping Beauty

>>> Creative Market
>>>  Etsy

Sleeping BEauty
Sleeping Beauty

What u'll get
Sleeping Beauty , What U'll Get

Sleeping BEauty
Sleeping Cup

Sleeping Poster
Sleeping Poster

Sleeping Print
Sleeping Print

That's my last post of this month, see you next month on the next post.
Have a great day (ah!) and happy holiday too :)

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