Sunday, September 25, 2016

Society6 CoolCubCabin : CrueltyFree Is A New Black

Hello, Happy Sunday.

After a while not posting a new project on my Society6, now I'm bring my new design named "Cruelty Free is A New Black"

Isn't it cool if our fashion or anything we use in daily life  not doing any damage to other being and nature.

Speaking of Cruelty Free, i am now on CrueltyFree on training :)) , meaning i'm train my self to use no-Cruel product. I did decided that I will go Cruelty Free , and i did do that, but because i am new to this subject matter , i'm still learn and research what is and what not cruel product.

By this far, i''m already change my Shampoo and Soap and Skin care to  Cruelty Free products .
I'm so happy i can get this stuff  in Indonesia, it's limited YES, but  it's not Impossible, matter a fact the product that i use now is local (Indonesia) product that got an international acknowledge.

There is also big retail brand that was very known in the world and campaign a "cruelty free" also, but it is own by big company that does the cruel act on their other brand product, so i was like happy then not happy.  Aside that this brand doesn't open their branch on country that do mandatory test on animal , i still cannot shake it off that the particular non cruel brand just for target another market. Capitalism is great isn't.

So again i'm still learning and while i'm searching i stumbled upon this site that write everything about cruelty-free product, so COOL, if you also interest on this Cruelty-free subject and want to be one :), do check the website for more info about it :)
 (Do you also know other website like this? please share it with me on comment or my twitter ^^ )

Back to my Design... i hope you like it :)) it's now ready at my store, kindly visit and promote for support. Thank you very much and have a great day.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Daily Journal : Day 21 until Day 27

First of all, let me explain why these pass weeks, i only post about my daily journal. I do working on my clip art also, but the main reason is,because i am so "busy" learn how to  upgrade my blog, so I've been busy adding banner or  my other social media like Twitter, Skillshare and Bookdepository (well this one is web ) link, but again  i really interested to add whatever i can add, so my visitor can see my activity and stay longer in my blog.

Hopefully i also learn how to write better . But for now, let me present my Daily Journal... my today's journal is on the way... ( i am now part write blog part sketching , lol) I'll add that / this (today's journal)  another time with another batch:).

Day 21 Today's Random
Day 21 Today's Random

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Daily Journal : Day 16 until Day 20

Whosssaaaahhh its been a while, i am busy doing many thing but i don't forget my promise to my self ^^, so here ya gooo, my 5 day daily journal at once ^^

Day 16
Devi's Daily Journal , Day 16 Words

Friday, September 2, 2016

Daily Journal : Day 15 , Learn

So let me info first that, i would not post new journal tomorrow, not that i stop doing it, i just need to be away from my computer tomorrow, luckily my paper and pencil still will be with me, so like i promise, journal will still on :)

I also need to make another project for my shop :)), so i'll still be working, but not with my computer for a while , sketching and doodling  would be great for refreshing :)

Today, journal.. LEARN.. i love learn, life is all about learn, at least for me :)
Enjoy and see ya next time.

Day 15, LEARN

Thursday, September 1, 2016

Daily journal : Day 14, Bucket List

There still many list that nor fit in my daily journal today, but it will do ^^
Enjoy, and see ya tomorrow ^^
Day 14 Bucket List